Allogona profunda - Broadbanded Forestsnail (Family Polygyridae) 

Broad-banded Forestsnail
Allogona profunda (Say, 1821)
Family Polygyridae

Identification: Heliciform, reflected lip, globose to subglobose, umbilicate. This is among the largest Polygyrids in the woods (about an inch- ~19-27 mm). The wide umbilicus distinguishes this species from the other very large Polygyrids that have a closed umbilicus (or only partially open). There is a brownish color banding in some specimens (image below with broken lip) but it is mostly lost on weathered shells. There is a thickening or wide tooth on basal loop of the aperture.

Habitat: It is found in woodlands associated with woody and leafy debris. Wooded floodplains and hillsides are also suitable habitat, especially near flowing water.

Status: Scattered throughout the state in suitable habitat.

Allogona profunda image

Allogona profunda (Say, 1821)

Allogona profunda image

Allogona profunda shell showing banding